Saturday, November 28, 2009
USACAPOC Teen Council
Here is the link to the USACAPOC (A) Teen Council website registration page. The USACAPOC (A) Teen Council offers Teens an opportunity to develop and implement solutions for issues they face as military youth and connect with each other to share ideas. Information on this website includes scholarships, benefits, and activities for military Teen dependents. One of the goals of the Teen Council is to increase and improve communication between USACAPOC (A) teens and USACAPOC (A) leadership.
Sign up now!!!
Anthony Albanese, USACAPOC (A) Teen Council Chair
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
Monday, November 23, 2009
SSG Keith Kravitz
Family Member event coming up soon!
0800-0845 Breakfast/ Registration
0845-0900 Administration
0900-0940 Legal Matters
0940-1030 TRICARE Issues
1030-1045 BREAK
1045-1130 Financial Readiness Issues
1130-1200 Child and Youth Services
1200-1330 LUNCH
1330-1400 Dealing with Media
1400-1430 American Legion Post 217
1430-1500 Community Partnerships
1500-1515 BREAK
1515-1600 Coping Tips for Families
Identify/Discuss Family Issues
Communicating with Soldier
1600-1615 BREAK
1615-1645 Family Member employment
1645-1700 After Action Review
1700-1730 FRG Structuring
1730-1750 Filling Travel Voucher
1750-1800 Administration
For more information on the location date and time, please contact your service member, or email me at: .
Civil Affairs, Military Interventions and Cultural Considerations
I am a member of an online group of anthropologists who study military affairs. The following post struck me as important:
On 20 Nov 09, the Chairman of the National Endowment for the Humanities,
Jim Leach, gave a speech entitled “Bridging Cultures” to the National Press Club
in Washington, D.C. One excerpt from the transcript jumped out at me and seemed
particularly relevant to the members of Mil_Ant_Net: "Military strategy in the
last generation has become increasingly sophisticated with considerations of
questions ranging from overwhelming force doctrine to end-game strategies to
concern for the sustainability of American public support for policy
initiatives. But left out of in-depth consideration have been cultural
ramifications: Cultural Factors that go far beyond protection of heritage sites
and respect for 'mannerly' traditions. The lesson of our times is that military
strategy must include consideration of unintended consequences, particularly the
after-affects of intervention from the perspective of the society most affected
and those in the world that share similar cultural traditions. At issue is not
simply whether democracy is better than other methodologies of social
organization and whether it can be readily imposed from the outside, or whether
it is justifiable to seek to advance an individual rights ethic that increases
opportunity for women and minority groups. At issue also is the sobering
question of whether good intentions can be counter-productive and lead to
greater internal conflict, social disruption, and potentially increased
radicalization, and whether progressive transformation of any society is more
likely to be achieved through other means than military intervention. Culture is
more powerful than politics and surprisingly capable of withstanding change
wrought disproportionately by force of arms. So there is no misunderstanding,
what I’m suggesting is that strategic thinking that lacks a cultural component
is inadequate for the times. "You can read the rest of the transcript on-line at
Military Family Life Consultant Program
The Military and Family Life Consultant Program is a relatively new and well-designed program available to families throughout the deployment cycle. Staffed by licensed clinical counselors, the program works with families, individuals, couples and children to appropriately address relationships, stress management, grief after loss, occupational and other individual family issues. Services can be provided on or off military installations, and everything is confidential and private and does not go on the service member's record.
Here is an article about the program:
Consultants are available by calling 609-864-5505 or 609 784-5199.